b'T E N Y E A R S O F T H E H O S P I TA L S A F E T Y G R A D EIn a country where more than 200,000 lives are lost every year because of preventable medical errors, Leapfrog is fighting for change. We serve as a voice for health care purchasers, using their collective influence to save lives.Leapfrog has created a novel approach to improving health care in America, one built on transparency. Because of Leapfrogs groundbreaking work, it is now common for hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) to openly compete by highlighting their patient safety. The Hospital Safety Grade offers critical life-saving information that people need and deserve, life-saving data for life-saving choices.IN THE DECAD DECREASE E OF THE50,000LEAPFROG HOSPITAL SAFETY GRADE,IMPROVEMENTIN PATIENT SAFETYOVER 50,000 LIVES COULD NATIONALLY BE SAVED IF ALL HOSPITALS IN THE U.S.PERFORMED AT BETWEEN 2010 AND 2019,THE LEVEL OF THERE WAS AA GRADED SIGNIFICANTHOSPITALS.DECREASE IN THE RATES OF ADVERSE EVENTS. SOURCE: ELDRIDGE N, WANG Y, METERSKY M, ET AL. TRENDS IN ADVERSE EVENT RATES IN HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS, 2010-2019. JULY 12, 2022 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONTHE LEAPFROG GROUP2'