Leapfrog Submits Comments on NQF Risk Adjustment Draft Report

April 16, 2014

The Leapfrog Group submitted public comments today to the NQF regarding the NQF’s Proposed Risk Adjustment for Socioeconomic Status or Other Sociodemographic Factors.

The Leapfrog Group does not support the recommendation that risk adjustment based on sociodemographic factors be applied to certain measures used in accountability programs (pay-for-performance and public reporting) if certain conditions are met. The recommendation was based on the belief, unsupported by evidence, that “current policy is unintentionally weakening the network of providers that serve disadvantaged populations, which could end up worsening disparities.” The recommendations are unsupported by evidence, potentially damaging to patient care and future science, and, most importantly, ethically unjustifiable. Leapfrog believes NQF’s current policy of allowing risk-adjustment only for disease severity and comorbidities is appropriate. 

Leapfrog's public comments on the draft report can be accessed here.


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