We’re honored to dedicate the Judie Burrows Education Institute in honor of Judie Burrows, who was a healthy, active 69-year-old when she went for routine hip surgery but was plagued with countless medical errors that eventually stole her life. Judie’s son, Steve, is the writer, producer, and star of the HBO documentary Bleed Out, which shares Judie's story and the many issues Steve faced navigating the health care system.
The Leapfrog Judie Burrows Education Institute is the educational arm of Leapfrog and allows us to expand our learnings to a wider audience than ever before and helps prevent tragedies like those that befell Judie’s family.
Watch the video below to learn more about the creation of the Judie Burrows Education Institute:
Who Is the Institute for?
The Judie Burrows Education Institute offers transformational educational programming that advances patient safety and empowers real, measurable progress. It serves as a way to accelerate our progress by engaging people in our journey. We’re able to educate employers on how to get the best care for their employees, educate health providers on the latest in safety standards, and educate the public on how this all impacts them.
You can support the Judie Burrows Education Institute by making a donation.