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Empowering Consumers

Leapfrog Hospital Survey
The Leapfrog Hospital Survey is an annual, voluntary survey of U.S. hospitals that answers three questions:
- How do hospital patients fare?
- What resources are needed to care for them?
- What management practices promote safety?
The data is completely unique–you won’t find it anywhere else. Results are used by employers, health plans, vendors, and others to design benefits plans, recognize high-performing hospitals, and steer employees and members toward the facilities most capable of offering safe, high-quality care.

Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade
The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade assigns A, B, C, D and F grades to nearly 3,000 U.S. hospitals based on their ability to prevent harm, including: rate of inpatient injuries, prevalence of inpatient infections, and medical and medication errors. The Safety Grade is 100% transparent and makes its methodology and all underlying data openly available to the public. Compiled by a National Expert Panel—and based on national, publicly reported measures of patient safety data—the Safety Grade is the gold standard for evaluating patient safety and is the only hospital safety assessment to be peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Patient Safety.
Leapfrog Value-Based Purchasing Program
The Leapfrog VBP Program is designed to help purchasers and payors evaluate hospital networks using a national, standardized set of measures. The Value-Based Purchasing Program helps health plans, employers, and other purchasers identify the highest value hospitals in individual markets and across the country. It utilizes results of the Leapfrog Hospital Survey to evaluate and rank network facilities.